• Budget Committee

    Members that create and maintain fiscal responsibility for the Chamber.
    Marcy Rathman
    DreamWeaver Resort
    Keith Schwankl
    DreamWeaver Resort
    As a local resident of the Brainerd Lakes Area for over 30 years, Keith is highly active in building our local community by volunteer work at the chamber as well as serving on several boards. As a consultant for small business, he helps other businesses learn how to navigate the challenges of starting your own business.
    Lydia Kiddman
    Grand Pacific Lodge
    Group Golf Sales Director
    Wilbur Akelman
    ABC Pumping Service
    Philip Willis
    Big Dogs
    Adam Curry
    Garret Colten
    Beverage Delivery, Inc.
    Walter Ronda
    Bates Fleet Farm
    Leslie Herring
    A Plus Federal Credit Union
    Branch Supervisor
    Stuart Littleton
    Bicycle Rental and Shuttle
    Abbey Nielsenxx
    Jamie Lundin
    Adventure Mini Golf
    Course Manager
    Lynn Neumann
    Advanced Solutions Technology, LLC
    Great Gal
    Julie Smith
    Handy Hardware
    Regional Manager
    Thelma Huckstead
    Green Valley Development Corporation
    Fred Anderson
    A Plus Insurance
    Field Boss
    OrangeTheory Fitness
    MemberPlus Advocate
    Claudia Castillo
    Demo Member 2018
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